问题 多项选择题

中国公民金某(女)与甲国公民史密斯婚后在甲国定居,后金某在甲国生下一女。根据我国《国籍法》的相关规定,下列说法不正确的是( )。







解析: 根据《国籍法》第4、5条的规定,父母双方或一方为中国公民,本人出生在中国,具有中国国籍。父母双方或一方为中国公民,本人出生在外国,具有中国国籍;但父母双方或一方为中国公民并定居在外国,本人出生时即具有外国国籍的,不具有中国国籍,故D项正确。因此本题正确答案为ABC项。

easily; pass; job; spenf; will; expensive; other; marry; interest; city
                                                    Young Peoplc in Britain    
       Life used to be fun for "teenagers".  They used to have money to spend,  and free time  to  while
away (消磨). They used to wear teenage clothes, and meet in teenage coffee bars and discos. Some
of them still do. But for many  young people , life is harder now.   1  are difficult to find. There's not so
much money around.
       Things are  2  ,and it's hard to find a place to live in. Teachers say that students work harder than
they used to. They are less  3   in politics , and more interested in   4   exams. They know that good
exam results may bring them better jobs.
       Most young people worry more about money than their parents did twenty years ago.  They try
   5   less and save more. They want to be able to get homes of their own one day.
       For some ,  the  answer to unemployment (失业 ) is to leave home and look for jobs in one of
Britain's big   6  . Every day hundreds  of  young people arrive in London from other parts of Britain,
looking for jobs.  Some find jobs and stay.  7   don't,  and go home again,or join the unemployed
(失业者) in London.
       When you read the newspapers and watch the news on television,  it's   8   to  get  the idea that
British young people are all unemployed, angry and in trouble. But that's not true. Three quarters of
them do more or less what their parents did. They do their best at school, find some kinds of jobs in
the end ,  and get    9    in their early twenties.  They get on well with their parents,  and enjoy their
family life. After all , if they don't , they   10   be British, will they?