可交换债券与可转换债券的发行目的不同,前者的发行目的一般是将募集资金用于投资项目;后者的发债目的包括投资退出、市值管理、资产流动性管理等,不一定要用于投资项目。( )
解析: 可交换债券与可转换债券的发行目的不同,前者的发行目的包括投资退出、市值管理、资产流动性管理等,不一定要用于投资项目;后者和其他债券的发债目的一般是将募集资金用于投资项目。
可交换债券与可转换债券的发行目的不同,前者的发行目的一般是将募集资金用于投资项目;后者的发债目的包括投资退出、市值管理、资产流动性管理等,不一定要用于投资项目。( )
解析: 可交换债券与可转换债券的发行目的不同,前者的发行目的包括投资退出、市值管理、资产流动性管理等,不一定要用于投资项目;后者和其他债券的发债目的一般是将募集资金用于投资项目。
Fifty–eight percent of the teachers interviewed in the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL) questionnaire had come across copying among their pupils. Gill Bullen from Itchen College in Southampton, for example, said, "Pieces handed in by two students were identical and significantly better than either of them could have done. Not only that, the essays handed in didn't quite answer the title question I had set". A teacher from Leeds said, "I had one piece of work so bravely cut and pasted that it still contained ads from the web page." Connie Robinson from Stockton Riverside College said, "With less able students it is easy to spot copying as the writing style changes in the middle of the assignment, but with more able students it is sometimes necessary for tutors to carry out Internet research to identify the source of the copy." Mary Bousted, general secretary of the ATL, said," Teachers are struggling under a mountain of cut-and-pasting to spot whether work was the student's own or copy." She called for policies to stop copying, and asked for help from exam boards and the government in providing resources and techniques to detect cheats. But there was another side. "I have found once students clearly understand what copying is, its consequences and how to reference correctly so they can draw on published works, copying becomes less of a problem," said Diana Baker from Emmanuel College, Durham. "I think the majority of students who engage in copying do it more out of ignorance than the desire to cheat. They really want to succeed on their own." 53. The passage mainly wants to tell us ____________.