A high school student is referred to the school nurse for suspected substance abuse. Following the nurse's assessment and interventions, what would be the most desirable outcome ?()
A.The student discusses conflicts over drug use.
B.The student accepts a referral to a substance abuse counselor.
C.The student agrees to inform his parents of the problem.
D.The student reports increased comfort with making choices.
下列说法错误的是:[ ]
A. 水和酒精混合后体积变小,说明分子间存在间隙
B. 铁丝要用很大的力才能拉断,说明铁分子间存在引力
C. 气体容易被压缩,说明气体分子的间隙较大
D. “破镜难以重圆”说明分子间有斥力