问题 填空题

下表中有九种物质,据表回答: (12分)

 第I 组第II 组第III 组
(1) 第III 组中有一种物质能与第      组中的所有物质反应,这种物质是      .

(2) 不跟第I 组中所有物质反应且能与第III 组中所有物质反应的第II 组中的物质是      ,其与硫酸反应的离子方程式为                                    ;



(2) Ba(OH)2(1分),Ba2++2OH-+2H++SO42-=BaSO4↓+2H2O(2分)

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和D)中,选出最佳选项。
        Australia is an island and it is a continent. It is the largest island in the world but it is the smallest continent.
It is almost 7.7million sq. km. Compared with China, China is about 2 million sq. km. larger. 
        Australia is in the south of the world. It lies between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. The Indian
Ocean is to the west and the south. The Pacific Ocean is to the east.
        Most of the western half of Australia is highland. But it is not very high, and the land is rather flat (平坦).
High flat land is not called mountains. It is called Plateau. The west of Australia is called the Western-Australian
Plateau. It is about 300 m high.
        There is high land in the east of Australia, too. Some of it is plateau and some of it is mountains. The
highest mountain is in the southeast. It is called MT Kosciusko. It is 2228 m high. This high land in the east is
sometimes called the Great Dividing Range. It has this name because it divides the east coast from the rest of
the country. Between the Great Dividing Range and the western Australian Plateau the land is low. This part of
the country is called the Central Lowlands.
        The only big river in Australia is the River Murray. It begins in the mountains in the southeast of the
country and it runs westward into the Indian Ocean.
1. Australia is           .
[ ]
A. a big island
B. the largest one of the islands in the world
C. a small island
D. the largest one of the continents in the world
2. Most of the western half of Australia is           .
[ ]
A. very high
B. mountain
C. flat land
D. plateau
3. MT Kosciusko is           .
[ ]
A. in the southeast
B. in the west
C. in the east
D. plateau