问题 单项选择题

针对一些违法违规典型案例,中国房地产估价师与房地产经纪人学会建立违法违规案件通报制度,对具有( )的违法违规案件及时予以通报。





                                                 ENTRY-EXIT INSPECTION

                                                    AND QUARANTINE

                                          THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA

                                              HEALTH AND QUARANTINE

                                        DECLARATION FORM ON ENTRY

      Name:Shirley Booth

     Sex: Male      Female

     Birth Date:1959 yy 02 mm

     Place of Arrival: Shenzhen

     From( Country/Region) :UK

     Passport NO.  :CA5728019

     Vehicle/Ship/Flight No.  :Flight UA 3625

     Seat NO.  :16E

     Destination : Changsha, Hunan

     1.  Please list the countries and cities (towns) that you  have visited in the past 4 weeks: London,


     Tokyo and Hong Kong.

     2.  The contact address and telephone number in the next 14 days: Changsha Friendship Hotel

     3.  Please mark " √" before the items of following symptoms or illness if you have any now.

   Fever     Cough   Shortness ofbreath

   Difficulty breathing       Other disease

     4.  Have you had close contact with any probable or suspected Bird Flu case in the past 14 days?

     Yes             No

     5.  Please mark " √" before the  items  of the following  articles if you bring any of them.

     Animal            Animalproducts         Plant

     Plant products      Biological products

      Waste and used clothing          Soil

     I hereby declare that all the information given above istrue and correct.

     Date:November 16,2008

     Signature:Shirley Booth


    1.  For the health of all, please give true and correct  information ;

     2.  You will be sued according to related laws if you give the false information;

     3.  No entry shall be allowed without the declaration;

     4.  Body temperature:37℃ .

1.  Who need to fill in this form?

A.  Foreigners who want to take the Chinese nationality. 

B.  Foreigners who apply for entry to China. 

C.  Anyone planning to go to other countries from China. 

D.  Anyone planning to take animals to China.

2.  The underlined word " sued" in the Note can be  replaced by      

A.  charged                

B.  sentenced

C.  prevented                

D.  analyzed

3.  Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the form?

A. It was by plane that Shirley Booth came to China. 

B.  Shirley Booth has been to at least four cities in the past month. 

C.  Shirley Booth brought some biological products with her. 

D.  Shirley Booth was not in good health after being examined.
