问题 单项选择题

在窗体上有一个名称为Check1的复选框数组(含4个复选框),还有一个名称为Text1的文本框,初始内容为空。程序运行时,单击任何复选框,则把所有选中的复选框后面的方字罗列在文本框中(如下图所示)。下面能实现此功能的事件过程是( )

A.Private Sub Check1_Click(Index As Integer)
Text1.Text=" "
For k=0 To 3

If Checkl(k).value=1 Then

Text1.Text=Text1.Text & Cheek1(k).Caption &" "双引号中是空格

End If
Next k
End Sub
B.Private Sub Check1_Click(Index As Integer)
For k=0 To 3

If Check1(k).Value=1 Then

Text1.Text=Text1.Text & Check1(k).Caption &" "双引号中是空格

End If
Next k
End Sub
C.Private Sub Check1_Click(Index As Integer)
Text1.Text=" "
For k=0 To 3

If Checkl(k).Value=1 Then

Text1.Text=Text1.Text & Check1(Index).Caption &" "双引号中是空格

End If
Next k
End Sub
D.Private Sub Check1_Click(Index As Integer)
Text1.Text=" "
For k=0 To 3

If Cheekl(k).Value=1 Then

Text1.Text=Text1.Text & Check1(k).Caption & " "双引号中是空格

Exit For

End If
Next k
End Sub



解析: Text1.Text表示文本框的文本内容,Check1(k).value=1表示复选框被选中,For循环遍历所有复选框,若Check1(k).value=1。则Text1.Text=Text1.Text & Check1(k).Caption &" ",将Check1(k)的Caption即复选框后的文字添加到Text1中,每次添加文字后文字之间都由空格隔开。


Oscar Night Oscar Night is one of the most awaited events in the entire entertainment industry of the world. The award ceremony has become an inseparable component of the life of all the people associated with Hollywood. One cannot simply escape the charm of this wonderful night. The Scheduled time of the glitzy evening of Academy Award is usually late February or early March. It is time when the awards are presented for the year-best achievements in the Motion Picture Industry. The Oscar statuette, presented during the Awards night. Is regarded to be the most prestigious honor for Hollywood artists. Oscar ceremony was started with the intention of acknowledging the excellence in Holly- wood. It was also an approach, made along time back, to encourage the spirit of the people connected with the Motion picture industry. The various categories of award try to honor people involved in all the facets of filmmaking. Academy Awards Night comprises of that point of time when the talented artists of the film fraternity get the apt recognition. It is the best way of honoring the efforts and dedication that go into the making of a movie. Oscars are organized in a grand manner, with an alluring appeal. This mega event takes place an the Kodak Theatre, in Los Angeles, annually. Oscar Night is the much-awaited moment, when all the stars of Hollywood gather at a single venue, The Red Carpet is roiled out for the dignitaries of the function. The air is filled with the gusto and zeal of the celebrities, who are invited to witness this ceremony. The atmosphere of Oscar Night is ruled by an element of surprise. It is the night when the mystery unfolds with each passing moment, with the announcement of winners in various categories.

The Oscar statuette, presented during the Awards night, is regarded to be the most prestigious honor for Hollywood artists.______

A.The underlined word "prestigious" in the sentence means "respective".

B.The underlined word "prestigious" in the sentence means "notorious".

C.The underlined word "prestigious" in the sentence means "respectable".

D.The underlined word "prestigious" in the sentence means "disastrous".
