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梅尼埃病和短暂性脑缺血发作发病时均有眩晕、恶心、呕吐和眼震,对两疾病的鉴别可通过以下几个方面进行:①短暂性脑缺血发作的多发生在中老年人(50~70岁),而梅尼埃病的发病年龄较轻;②梅尼埃病可以多次反复发作达数年或数十年之久,而短暂性脑缺血发作是缺血性卒中的重要危险因素,反复发作不会很长时间,否则早已发展成缺血性卒中;③梅尼埃病发生的眩晕持续时间较长,可达2~3天才逐渐缓解,多伴有耳鸣和 听力下降,甚至耳聋,但短暂性脑缺血发作则症状持续不会超过24小时,并且除非发病前就耳聋外,一般发作时多无听力下降;④短暂性脑缺血发作时多伴有神经系统的定位体征,而梅尼埃病则不伴有神经系统的症状;⑤短暂性脑缺血发作患者常有高血压、糖尿病、高血脂和心脏病等病史,而梅尼埃病则不一定常伴有脑血管病的危险因素史。


Quit while you're ahead

I am one of those people who are terrible at saying no.I take on too many projects at once, and spend too much of my time doing things I'd rather not be doing.I get work done, but it's not always the best I can do, or the best way I could spend my time.

That's why my newest goal, both as a professional and a person, is to be a quitter.

Being a quitter isn't being someone who gives up, who doesn't see important things through to the end.I aspire (渴望) to be the opposite of that.The quitter I want to be is someone who gets out when there's no value in what he's doing, or when that value comes at the expense of something more important.

A friend of mine once told me, "I knew I was an adult when I could stop reading a book, even after getting 500 pages into it." Strange though it sounds, we all tend to do this.We get involved in something, realize we don't want to be a part of it, but keep on going.We say "Well, I've already invested so much time in this, I might as well stick it out."

I propose the opposite: quit as often as possible, regardless of project status or time invested.If you're reading a book, and don't like it, stop reading.Cut your losses, realize that the smartest thing to do is to stop before your losses grow even more, and quit.Instead of reading an entire book you hate, read half of a bad one and half of a good one.Isn't that a better use of your time?

Step back for a second.Let's learn how to say "no" at the beginning, or in the middle, and free up more of our time to do the things we'd like to be doing, and the things actually worth doing. Saying no is hard, and admitting a mistaken yes is even harder.If we do both, we'll start to make sure that we're spending our time creating value, rather than increasing our losses.Let's be quitters together.

小题1:The author wants to be a quitter, because he _____.

A.hopes to improve his personality

B.wishes to have more time for relaxation

C.expects to make more efficient use of his time

D.has found it hard to do several things at one time小题2:In what circumstances does the author suggest quitting is a good idea?

A.When you feel tired and need a rest.

B.When you know a task cannot be finished.

C.When you meet with difficulties along the way in your life.

D.When you realize what you are doing is not worth the time.小题3:If you stop reading a book you hate, the author might think that ______.

A.you are wise to cut your losses

B.it's a pity that you have wasted so much time

C.you should finish a book that you have started

D.you should regret choosing the wrong book小题4:The message the author tries to convey is to ______.

A.learn to say no

B.live your life to the fullest

C.create more value

D.stop doing many things at once