问题 单项选择题

根据民事诉讼法的规定,具有( )情形的,人民法院依法不可以作出缺席判决。







解析: 可以进行缺席判决的范围为:原告不出庭或中途退庭按撤诉处理的;被告提出反诉的,被告经传票传唤,无正当理由拒不到庭的,或未经法庭许可中途退庭的;法院裁定不准撤诉的,原告经传票传唤,无正当理由拒不到庭的;无民事行为能力的被告人的法定代理人,经传票传唤无正当理由拒不到庭的;在借贷案件中,债权人起诉时,债务人下落不明的,人民法院受理案件后公告传唤债务人应诉,公告期限届满,债务人仍不应诉,借贷关系明确的,经审理后可缺席判决。在审理中债务人出走、下落不明而借贷关系明确的,可以缺席判决。


Women consistently lie on social networking sites such as Facebook or Twitter to make their lives appear more exciting, a survey has found.

Researchers found that at least one in four women exaggerated or distorted what they are doing on social media once a month. The survey of 2000 women found they mostly pretended to be out on the town, when in fact they are home alone, and embellished about an exotic holiday or their job.

The most common reasons for women to write “fibs” included worrying their lives would seem “boring”, jealousy at seeing other people’s more exciting posts and wanting to impress their friends and acquaintances.

Psychologists suggested that as people attempt to “stay connected” on social media, they can in fact “paradoxically” be left “more isolated”. They also said that the “more we try to make our lives seem perfect, the less perfect we feel”.

According to the OnePoll survey, one third of women surveyed admitted to “dishonesty” on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter at some stage.

Almost one in four admitted to lying or exaggerating about key aspects of their life online between one and three times a month while almost one in 10 said they lied more than once a week.

Nearly 30 percent of women lied about “doing something when I am home alone”, almost a quarter overstated their alcohol consumption while one in five were not truthful about their holiday activities or their jobs. Almost one in five women even lied about their “relationship status”.

“We work very hard presenting ourselves to the world online, pretending and attempting to be happy all the time which is exhausting and ultimately unfulfilling,” said Dr Michael Sinclair, a leading British consultant psychologist.

“Omitting the less desirable imperfections of our lives from the conversations with our `friends` online leads to less opportunity to feel empathized with(与…产生共鸣), resulting in a greater sense of disconnection from others.”

The survey was commissioned by Pencourage, a new anonymous “diary-style” social media website.

小题1:Which of the words below is closest in meaning to the underlined word “fibs” in Para 3?

A.life experiences

B.short stories

C.careful thoughts

D.insignificant lies小题2:A woman tends to tell a lie online when she__________.

A.hopes to make more friends

B.envies other people’s exciting life

C.feels lonely at home

D.gets tired of the boring life小题3:A woman might pretend to be happier online than she actually is by __________.

A.avoiding conversations with friends

B.describing her holiday activities

C.leaving out the imperfections in life

D.overstating her trouble at work小题4:According to Dr Michael Sinclair, constantly lying online may __________.

A.eventually make one’s life more exciting

B.actually lead to a sense of isolation

C.really improve one’s sense of happiness

D.scarcely have any influence on relationships
