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注册会计师的查账报告属于( )工作底稿。




解析: 备查类工作底稿包括:税务代理协议书,纳税人、扣缴义务人税务登记证、工商营业执照副本的复印件、企业合同章程、税务机关有关纳税事项的鉴定、批准文书、历年纳税检查报告、注册会计师的查账报告、年度会计决算报表等。


Press Photographers

Good press photographers must have an "eye" for news, (26) journalists must have a "nose" for a good story. They must be able to interpret a story and decide rapidly how they can take (27) of the best opportunities to take pictures. The most difficult part of a press photographer’s job is that he or she has to be able to (28) a complicated situation with just one photograph. They rarely have second (29) and must be able to take the required (30) very quickly. Indeed, speed is essential — if the photographs are not (31) for the printing deadline, they are very unlikely to be of any (32) .
Most press photographers begin (33) with a local newspaper. There, the (34) is mostly for material of regional interest. Photographers may be expected to photograph a lot of unexciting events but to (35) the enthusiasm to put "something special" into every picture.
There is (36) competition among those who want to move from local to national newspapers. Here, the work is much more centered on news. The photographer must work (37) greater pressure and (38) more responsibility. Only (39) reliable, talented and resourceful photographers (40) this difficult move. The work is tough and can be (41) . On an overseas assignment, photographers may have to (42) unfamiliar food and accommodation, physical and mental stress, and (43) difficulty in transporting the pictures from an isolated area to get them to the newspaper (44) They also have to (45) the competition from other publications.

A. draw up B. put out C. sum upD. take in