房地产经纪人从事房地产代理业务必须以房地产经纪机构为( )。
下列反应中属于氧化还原反应,但水既不做氧化剂又不做还原剂的是[ ]
A.Cl2+H2O = HCl + HClO
B.2F2 + 2H2O = 4HF + O2
C.Na2O + H2O = 2NaOH
D.2Na + 2H2O = 2NaOH + H2↑
The Rational Unified Process (RUP) is a software engineering process. which captures many of best practices in modem software development. The notions of (71) and scenarios have been proven to be an excellent way to capture function requirements. RUP can be described in two dimensions-time and content. In the time dimension, the software lifecycle is broken into cycles. Each cycle is divided into four consecutive (72) which is concluded with a well-defined (73) and can be further broken down into (74) -a complete development loop resulting in a release of an executable product, a subset of the final product under development,which grows incrementally to become the final system. The content structure refers to the disciplines, which group (75) logically by nature.
A.artifacts B.use-cases C.actors D.workers