问题 单项选择题

根据宪法和民族区域自治法的规定,下列有关民族区域自治制度的说法中哪一个是不正确的?( )







解析:[考点] 民族区域自治制度
[讲解] 根据宪法和民族区域自治法等有关法律的规定,民族区域自治制度包括以下主要内容:(1)各民族自治地方都是中华人民共和国不可分离的部分,各民族组织地方的自治机关都是中央统一领导下的地方 * * 机关;(2)民族区域自治必须以少数民族聚居区为基础,是民族自治与区域自治的结合;(3)在民族自治地方设立自治机关,民族自治机关除行使宪法规定的国家 * * 机关的职权外,还可以依法行使广泛的自治权。D项中民族自治机关的领导人的选举同样应遵循《选举法》相关规定,并无特别规定。因此,本题的正确答案为D项。



      It's not always easy to eat healthy foods when others seem to eat whatever they want. Follow the tips and

know that it will make a difference in your life.

      What about sweet foods?

      Everyone likes the taste of sweet foods! Small amounts of sweet foods can be part of a healthy meal plan.

Sugary foods include soda, sweetened fruit drinks, honey, and candy. Desserts such as cakes, pies, cookies,

and ice cream contain a lot of fat as well as sugar. If you choose to eat any of these sweet foods, just have a

small amount at the end of a healthy meal. Have a piece of fruit if you are still hungry. Drink water, sugar-free

soda, and sugar-free fruit drinks, if you are thirsty, instead of drinks that are all high in sugars.

      How much should you eat?

      Your height, weight, age, whether you are a boy or a girl, and how active you are will affect how much

food you need to eat each day to stay at a healthy weight. Everyone is different. Talk to your doctor or diet

expert about how much to eat, especially if you need to lose weight. If you take in more food than your body

burns, you will gain weight. If you take in less food than your body burns, you will lose weight. Being active

and eating smaller amounts of food and fewer sweet or fatty foods can help overweight kids lose weight in a

healthy way. You will keep your heart healthy, too.

1. Which of the following desserts is NOT mentioned in the passage? [ ]

A. Cakes.

B. Pies.

C. Cheese.

D. Cookies.

2. How much we should eat will depend on the following EXCEPT ______. [ ]

A. our body size

B. the time we spend taking exercise

C. how old we are

D. the money our family earns

3. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE? [ ]

A. The more food our body burns, the faster we will lose weight.

B. The more food we eat, the more food our body will burn.

C. The more active we are, the more food we need to eat.

D. The more food we eat, the more weight we will gain

4. The author advises overweight children to ______. [ ]

A. eat healthy foods and take regular exercise

B. pay much attention to their heart health

C. keep foods containing sugar and fat away

D. talk to their doctor and join a health club
