对桩或地基的静载试验,属于现场质量检查方法中的( )。
下列词语中加点的字,读音完全正确的一组是( )(3分)
A谄媚(chǎn) 解剖(pōu) 入场券(quàn) 殒身不恤(xù)
B喋血(dié) 忸怩(niè) 潜意识(qiǎn) 叱咤风云(zhà)
C菲薄(fēi) 肄业(sì) 霎时间(shà) 如椽大笔(chuán)
D混沌(dùn) 商榷(tuò) 水门汀(tīng) 浅尝辄止(zhé)
1. She got mad at me and said she didn't want to be my best friend any more.[ ]
A. was angry with
B.was angry at
C. was disappointed with
D.was disappointed at
2. Lucy made a decision to tell her father about that.[ ]
A. wrote a letter
B. sent an e-mail
C. decided
D. decided on
3. At first,the girl felt a bit nervous. [ ]
A. worried
B. unhappy
C. confident
D. pleased
4. 一 I’m afraid I can't follow you,sir. Can you speak more slowly?
-Of course. [ ]
A. find
B. run after
C. understand
D. keep
5. -Is this Mr Chen’s car?
-I don't think so. He can't afford to pay for this kind of car. A. is too poor to[ ]
A. is too poor to
B. is able to
C. is rich enough to
D. doesn't want to