问题 单项选择题

(1)正常营业(2)汽车撞到路边树上(3)携带巨款进入“的士” (4)商业银行调来大量现金(5)两名“顾客”从皮包里拿出手枪







解析:[解题思路] 此题事件的起因是银行调来大量现金,导致正常营业时被抢,结果罪犯乘坐的“的士”却撞到丁树上。


Saturday, May 24

★ Star Wars Ⅱ

Bus leaves N flagpole at 5:45 pm. Return leaves immediately following the movie .Cost $15. Sign up on SWIS by noon on Thursday.


Bands, volleyball. Starts at 6:00 pm

★Grandin Cinema Presents :Hearts in Atlantis

A single mother and her son change when a nice-looking stranger enters their life. Grandin , 7:00 pm.

★ NMH Theatre

Present a modern play by Don Nigro, Silverthome Theatre, 7:30 pm. Tickets are $2 for NMH students, teachers and staff and $4 for all others. Anyone wishing to book tickets should SWIS Jake kavanagh

Sunday, May 25

Trip to Six Flags Amusement Park! This trip includes the following two films and is only for those students not attending the chat. Cost $ 33. Sign up on SWIS or at the ticket office by noon on Thursday.

★Dolben Cinema presents: Heroes and Heroines

Jennifer Lopez in Anaconda A “National Geographic” film crew is taken hostage by a hunter with a gun, who takes them along in his search for the world’s largest and deadliest snake. Dolben, 8: 00 pm.

★Grandin Cinema Presents: The Others

A woman who lives in a darkened old house with her two children becomes sure that there are ghosts in their house. Grandin, 8:00 pm.

45. According to the passage, NMH is a ________.

A  company      B  church      C school    D travel office

46. How many movies will be on this weekend?

A.  One         B.  Two      C. Three    D. Four 

47. How much would an NMH teacher pay for the modern play by Don Nigro?

A   $ 15         B $ 2        C $ 4        D $ 33

48. What can we learn from the passage?  

A.  All the weekend activities were organized by Jake Kavanagh.          

B.  Two of the movies mentioned in the ads are about social problems.

C.  Those who go to the amusement park can book tickets on Sunday.

D.  An NMH student inviting his parents to watch the play together should pay $10

单项选择题 A1/A2型题