6年分期付款购物,每年年初付款500元,设银行利率为10%,该项分期付款相当于现在一次现金支付的购价是( )。
A.2 395.50元
B.1 895.50元
C.1 934.50元
D.2 177.50元
解析: 根据即付年金现值=年金额×即付年金现值系数(查普通年金现值系数表,期数减 1,系数加1),计算求得。
6年分期付款购物,每年年初付款500元,设银行利率为10%,该项分期付款相当于现在一次现金支付的购价是( )。
A.2 395.50元
B.1 895.50元
C.1 934.50元
D.2 177.50元
解析: 根据即付年金现值=年金额×即付年金现值系数(查普通年金现值系数表,期数减 1,系数加1),计算求得。
B: Something wrong? You are not yourself today. I observe(观察) you 1 , you know. A: I’ve been getting into 2 because I don’t know how to focus on my study as a Grade 9 student. And I really wish for tips from you because you have set a good example for me. B: To tell you the truth, I really experienced a hard time like you. However, I could face problems confidently. That 3 a big difference. A: Can you tell me how to adjust(调整) my habit of learning and 4 a lot? B: I’m afraid you’d better change your way of listening in class. I mean that you not only look at the blackboard while listening carefully but also follow the teacher and speak if possible. Listening, thinking and speaking can work together to improve yourself greatly. A: It makes sense. I will try and won’t just listen lazily. Thanks a lot. B: 5 with your new way of learning. |