1. Joe likes English better than PE.
Joe _____ English _____ PE.
2. In fact, we agree that vegetables are good for us.
_____ _____ _____, we agree that vegetables are good for us.
3. Whatever you do, I'll take your side.
_____ _____ what you do, I'll take your side.
4. Many cars are on show in Guangzhou.
Many cars are _____ _____ in Guangzhou.
5. This story is more interesting than that one.
That story is _____ _____ than this one.
以下是某C++程序,用来判定用户口令,请仔细阅读程序并完成要求。 //**********************************************************// //口令验证 // // // // 文件名:password_check.cpp // //**********************************************************// #include<iostream.h> #include<string.h> //**********************************************************// // 主函数 // //**********************************************************// void main(void) char password[128]=’\0’; cout<<"请输入您的口令:"; cout.flush(); while (true) cin.getline(password,128, ’\n’); if(strlen(password)<6) //口令长度少于6位 cout<<"您的用户口令少于6个字符!"<<endl; cout<<"请重新输入:”; cout.flush(); else bool capital=false; //检验是否有大写字母 bool lowercase=false; //检验是否有小写字母 bool digit=false; //检验是否有数字 for(unsigned int i=0; i<strlen(password); i++) if(password[i]>=’A’&&password[i]<=’Z’) capital=true; if(password[i]>=’a’ &&password[i]<=’Z’) lowercase=true; if(password[i]>=’0’&&password[i]<=’9’) digit=true; //判断用户输入的口令中缺少哪种字符 if(!capital) cout<<"您的用户口令中没有大写字母!"<<endl; cout<<"请重新输入: "; else if(! lowercase) cout<<"您的用户口令中没有小写字母!"<<endl; cout<<"请重新输入: "; else if(!digit) cout<<"您的用户口令中没有数字!"<<endl; cout<<"请重新输入: "; else cout<<"您的口令满足要求!"<<endl; break;