问题 单项选择题








解析: “三个代表”重要思想是马克思主义中国化的最新理论成果部分,是我们党的立党之本,执政之基、力量之源。命题直接取自于胡 * * 同志在2003年7月1日的“七一”讲话中对“三个代表”重要思想作出的重要发展。讲话中指出:“始终做到“三个代表”是我们党的立党之本、执政之基、力量之源。这里的‘本’、‘基’、‘源’,说到底就是人民群众的支持和拥护。”因此,正确选项就是C。

     Write down your wish on the Wish Tree. And tell the tree what you'll do for others if your wish
comes true. Who knows? The tree may do magic for you.
     I hope my grandpa will get well quickly. If he
can leave the hospital and come home, I will give
away all my money to the hospital. 
                                                  by Grace
     I wish my mom and dad would
be nice to each other and get together
again. If that happens, I will help children
cross the street every day. 
                                             by Hank
     I want to become a popular movie star. Make
my wish come true and I will save time to teach
my fans how to look younger. 
                                                 by Willy
     If I can turn into a smart and beautiful
girl, I will share all my clothes with my
                                                by Nina
likely 可能
1. What can we learn about the Wish Tree?
A.  It tells people's future.
B.  It collects people's name cards.
C.  It helps people to think of others.
D. It grows bigger when a wish comes true.
2. Which is most likely true?
A.  Nina is a movie star.
B.  Grace works in the hospital.
C.  Willy will teach people how to make a movie.
D.  Hank would like to keep children safe on the road.
3. Who does NOT write about his or her family?
A.  Grace.
B.  Hank.
C.  Willy.
D.  Nina.