针对以下C语言程序,请按要求回答问题。 已知link.c源程序如下: /*link.c程序对单向链表进行操作,首先建立一个单向链表,然后根据用户的选择可以对其进行插入节点、删除节点和链表反转操作*/ #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> typedef struct list_node *list_pointer; //定义链表指针 typedef struct list_node //定义链表结构 int data; list_pointer link; list_node; //用到的操作函数 list_pointer create() ; //建立一个单向链表 void insert (list_pointer *p_ptr, list_pointer node); //在node后加入一个新的节点 void delete_node (list_pointer *p_ptr, list_pointer trail, list_pointer node); //删除前一个节点是trail的当前节点node void print (list_pointer *p ptr) ; //打印链表节点中的值 list_pointer invert(list_pointer lead); //反转链表 int main () list_pointer ptr=NULL; list_pointer node, trail; list_pointer *p=&ptr; int choose, location, i; printf("you should create a link first:\n"); //建立一个单向链表 prt=create () ; / *ptr指向链表的第一个节点* / print (ptr); //根据用户的不同选择进行相应的操作 printf("input number 0, you can quit the program\n"); printf("input number 1, you can insert a new node to link\n"); printf("input number 2, you can delete a node from the link\n"); printf("input number 3, you can invert the link\n"); printf("please input you choice\n"); scanf ("%d", &choose); while (choose!=0) switch (choose) case 1: i=1; while (i<looation) node=node->link; i++; insert (p, node) ; /*p为指向ptr的指针*/ print (ptr); break; case 2: printf("you will delete a node from the link\n"); printf("please input the location of the node:\n"); scanf ("%d", &location) ; node=ptr; if (location==1) trail=NULL; trail=ptr; i=1; while (i<location) trail=trail->link; i++; node=trail->link; delete_node (p, trail, node); print (ptr); break; case 3: printf("you will invert the link\n"); ptr=invert (ptr); print (ptr); break; default: break; return -1; printf("please input you choice\n"); scanf ("%d", &choose); return 0; //根据用户的输入值建立一个新的单向链接 list_pointer create() int i, current, length; list_pointer p1, p2, head; printf("please input the node number of the link:\n"); scanf ("%d", &length) ; printf("the number of the link is:%d",length); printf("please input the data for the link node:\n"); i=0; p1=p2=(list_pointer)malloc(sizeof(list_node)) ; head=p1; for(i=1;i<length;i++) scanf ("%d", &current) ; p1->data=current ; p2->link=p1; p2=p1; p1=(list_pointer)malloc(sizeof(list_node)); p2->link=NULL; return head; …