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世界在变化,形势在发展,中国特包礼会主义实践在深入,不断学习、善于学习,努力掌握和运用一切科学的新思想、新知识、新经验,是党始终走在时代前列引领中国发展进步的决定性因素。党的十七届四中全会对建设马克思主义学习型政党的目标提出了四项要求,即( )。







解析: 党的十七届四中全会指出,必须按照科学理论武装、具有世界眼光、善于把握规律、富有创新精神的要求,把建设马克思主义学习型政党作为重大而紧迫的战略任务抓紧抓好。要推进马克思主义中国化、时代化、大众化,用中国特色社会主义理论体系武装全党,开展社会主义核心价值体系学习教育,建设学习型党组织。鲜明地提出建设马克思主义学习型政党这一重大课题,是这次全会的一个重大成果。故本题正确答案为B。


Euthanasia has been a topic of controversy in Europe since at least 1936. On an average of six times a day, a doctor in Holland practices "active" euthanasia: (1) administering a lethal drug to a (2) ill patient who has asked to be relieved (3) suffering. Twenty times a day, life prolonging treatment is withheld or withdrawn (4) there is no hope that it can (5) an ultimate cure. "Active" euthanasia remains a crime on the Dutch statute books, punishable (6) 12 years in prison. But a series of court cases over the past 15 years has made it clear that a competent physician who (7) it out will not be prosecuted.

Euthanasia, often called "mercy killing", is a crime everywhere in Western Europe. (8) more and more doctors and nurses in Britain, Germany, Holland and elsewhere readily (9) to practicing it, most often in the "passive" form of withholding or withdrawing (10) The long simmering euthanasia issue has lately (11) into a sometimes fierce public debate, (12) both sides claiming the mantle of ultimate righteousness. Those (13) to the practice see themselves (14) sacred principles of respect for life, (15) those in favor raise the banner of humane treatment. After years (16) the defensive, the advocates now seem to be (17) ground. Recent polls in Britain show that 72 percent of British (18) favor euthanasia in some circumstances. An astonishing 76 percent of (19) to a poll taken late last year in France said they would like the law changed to (20) mercy killings. Obviously, pressure groups favoring euthanasia and "assisted suicide" have grown steadily in Europe over the years.




