Risk management helps in maximizing the probability and consequences of positive events and minimizing the probability and consequences of adverse events to project objectives.Risk response planning helps in this context because it______.
A.helps in deciding how to approach and plan the risk management activities
B.develops procedures and techniques to enhance opportunities and reduce threats to project objectives
C.determines which risks might affect the project and documents their characteristics
D.monitors residual risks,identifies new risks and executes risk reduction plans
解析: 风险管理帮助最大化影响项目目标的正面事件的发生概率,最小化影响项目目标的负面事件的发生概率。风险应对规划对此有帮助,因为它______。 A) 帮助确定如何管理和规划风险管理活动 B) 开发流程和技术来提高项目机会、降低对项目的威胁 C) 确定哪些风险可能影响项目并文档记录他们的特点 D) 监控残留风险,识别新风险,执行风险减轻计划 选项B是风险应对规划的定义;选项A是风险管理规划;选项C是风险识别;选项D是风险监控。