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解析:印章是公文生效的标识。加盖印章有两种情况:单一发文印章和联合行文发文印章。 单一机关制发公文的情况:单一发文在落款处不署机关名称,只标识成文日期,成文日期右空4字;加盖印章应上距正文一行以内,印章应端正居中,下压成文时 间。当印章下弧无文字时,仅以下弧压在成文时间上(下套方式);当印章下弧有文字时,印章中心线压在成文时间上(中套方式);“下套”的盖印方法,可以显 示印章的庄重性,如国家行政机关的印章均有国徽,就可以将其完整地显示出来,此外,还可以增加成文日期的清晰度,防止因图案或文字压在成文时间上使其难以 辨认。 两个或两个以上机关联合行文的情况:当联合行文需加盖两个印章时,应将成文日期拉开,左右各空7字居中排布,主办单位印章在前,两个单位的印章均压成文日 期,两印章间互不相交或相切,相距不超过3mm;当联合行文需加盖3个以上印章时,为防止出现空白印章,应将各发文机关名称(可用简称)排在发文日期和正 文之间。主办单位印章在前,每排最多只能排3个印章,两端不得超过版心;最后一排如余1个或2个印章,应居中排布;印章之间不得相交或相切,在最后一排印 章之下右空2字标注成文日期。 当公文正文后的空白处不能容下印章的位置时,应采取调整行距、字距的措施加以解决,必须使印章与公文在正文同处一面,不得采取标识“此页无正文”的办法解决。因此,本题正确答案为A。


Burkina Faso student teacher Hema Cecile has a lot more time to crack the books thanks to a recent initiative from the World Bank and the International Finance Corporation (IFC). The launch of the Lighting Africa program by the two organizations this year has made it possible for Cecile to swap kerosene lamps for a solar-powered LED lantern.

Lighting Africa is a $12 million project which intends to bring light to the poorest regions across sub-Saharan Africa. The program works with the lighting industry to develop clean, affordable lighting and energy solutions for millions without access to electric grids. Its aim is to accelerate the market and to develop education programs that inform off-grid populations currently dependent on costly, inefficient and hazardous fuel-based lighting about modern alternatives.

Cecile used to spend $3-4 a month on kerosene for her lamp. That is a large proportion of her earnings—like 70 percent of the population she lives on less than $2 a day. In the weeks since buying her lantern she has managed to read four books including Madame Bovary. by Gustave Flaubert and Emile Zola’s Germinal. She is among the most learned in a society which has the world’s lowest literacy rate, according to a 2007 UN Human Development Report. When she graduates next year she will teach in a local junior school She makes ends meet by holiday jobs as a cleaner and an IT trainer. To earn her daily ration of cornmeal she does shifts from May to September in a corn field.

The lanterns are designed to look like the kerosene ones they are replacing in order to increase adoption among the population. Each has a small solar panel on the top and costs an average $30, although some cost $100, depending on the size of the battery and the number of LED lights it contains.

Because of the large number of sunlight hours in Burkina Faso, the lamps can be relied on to work whenever needed. The battery life is 2-4 years, and can be replaced once they lose their storage capacity. The LED lights last 5-10 years.

Although it is barely out of its trial period the project, Chabanne said there are signs the project is a boon for the population in areas other than household savings and education. "There are fewer people reporting eye problems to the local hospital.

What does the author think about the future of the project mentioned in this passage()

A. Uncertain

B. Optimistic

C. Pessimistic

D. Worried