问题 单项选择题

会计李立对本单位一项违反了国家统一的财政制度规定的财务收支,因其手续齐备并经单位领导审批签字而予以执行,李立的以上行为违背了( )的会计职业道德要求。




解析: 坚持准则要求会计人员熟悉国家法律、法规和国家统一的会计制度,始终坚持按法律、法规和国家统一的会计制度的要求进行会计核算,实施会计监督。很明显,李立的行为违背了坚持准则的会计职业道德要求。

     Mr Black is a farmer. Last month he drove his car to a town and on the way his car knocked down
a boy and hurt him. He sent the boy to a hospital at 1   .He paid a lot of money for that, but the boy's
parents wanted _2   more money from him ,so they said their son could _ 3 lift his right arm   4   his head.
   M r Black's lawyer came and asked the boy  5   questions in the court. "Now my boy," he said."Mr
Black's car knocked you   6  ?"
   "Yes, sir," said the boy.
   "And you can not lift your right arm over your head now?"
   "   7  ,sir,"
   "Could you   8   us how high you can lift your right arm?"
   Slowly the boy lifted his right arm before his nose."Poor boy," said the lawyer. "And how high    9  
you lift it before the accident?" "I could lift it very high."And the   10   went up high over his head.
( )1. A. last  
( )2. A. to get
( )3. A. easily
( )4. A. in    
( )5. A. any    
( )6. A. down  
( )7. A. No    
( )8. A. speak  
( )9. A. can    
( )10. A. boy  
B. once        
B. get        
B. usually    
B. with        
B. a few      
B. up          
B. Yes, I can't
B. ask        
B. must        
B. arm        
C. night      
C. got        
C. no longer  
C. for        
C. a little  
C. off        
C. Not        
C. understand
C. could      
C. leg        
D. times  
D. getting
D. nearly  
D. above  
D. much    
D. in      
D. Yes    
D. show    
D. does    
D. nose               