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证券公司、保险公司和信托投资公司可以在( )上参加记账式国债的招标发行及竞争性定价过程,向财政部直接承销记账式国债。







解析: 记账式国债在证券交易所债券市场和全国银行间债券市场发行并交易。证券公司、保险公司和信托投资公司可以在证券交易所债券市场上参加记账式国债的招标发行及竞争性定价过程,向财政部直接承销记账式国债;商业银行、农村信用社联社、保险公司和少数证券公司可以在全国银行间债券市场上参加记账式国债的招标发行及竞争性定价过程,向财政部直接承销记账式国债。


Tragedies have a way of making people rethink their (1) and find a new focus. They make people think about what a society needs in order to (2) . The notion of doing something to take control of society or of our fate as humans might be dated back to ancient times of the (3) . Now, in the early 21st century, " social (4) " are trying to take back some (5) over society’s direction once again. A social inventor is not necessarily a social (6) , a social (7) or someone who works in a (8) industry or invents new (9) and consumer products. A social inventor is using the power of (10) thinking, to come up with ideas for (11) in certain communities or sections of society. They have a vision of a (12) world and create new systems or practices. Their ideas may seem (13) or impossible. They are usually quite (14) people. But some of these creative thinkers have (15) and quietly changed the way we live. Social inventions do not have to be (16) . Sometimes they are new (17) for neighborhoods or communities, or even very (18) ideas. The idea of social inventions has become so popular in recent years. It shows how much people desire to make a (19) in our society and not remain (20) .

Tragedies have a way of making people rethink their (1) and find a new focus. They make people think about what a society needs in order to (2) . The notion of doing something to take control of society or of our fate as humans might be dated back to ancient times of the (3) . Now, in the early 21st century, " social (4) " are trying to take back some (5) over society’s direction once again. A social inventor is not necessarily a social (6) , a social (7) or someone who works in a (8) industry or invents new (9) and consumer products. A social inventor is using the power of (10) thinking, to come up with ideas for (11) in certain communities or sections of society. They have a vision of a (12) world and create new systems or practices. Their ideas may seem (13) or impossible. They are usually quite (14) people. But some of these creative thinkers have (15) and quietly changed the way we live. Social inventions do not have to be (16) . Sometimes they are new (17) for neighborhoods or communities, or even very (18) ideas. The idea of social inventions has become so popular in recent years. It shows how much people desire to make a (19) in our society and not remain (20) .