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在邓 * * 建设有中国特色社会主义理论中,首要的基本理论问题是( )。




解析: 建设中国特色社会主义理论的核心内容是我们坚持的社会主义必须是符合当代中国实际的中国特色社会主义。因此,搞清楚“什么是社会主义,怎样建设社会主义”就成为建设中国特色社会主义中一个首先要解决的最基本的理论问题。要解决中国特色社会主义,必须首先解决好这两个问题,否则就不可能真正从实际出发,把坚持和发展马克思主义统一起来,在实践中把社会主义事业不断推向前进。


A.  Lion King

It’s a story of nature, love and friendship, all of which appear in one African adventure. See the young lion cub Simba grow up and overcome all the difficulties in order to become king of the jungle.

B. Little Mermaid

Adapted from Anderson’s fairy tale, Little Mermaid takes you into a deep-sea adventure, to see how Ariel sells her beautiful tail and voice for two legs to see her dream prince on land.

C. Jersey Boys

Jersey Boys is a Broadway classic that features four young men going out by themselves who finally rise up to become movie stars. Come and see more about the struggles and successes of these four young men.

D. Mary Poppins

It is a story of a magic nanny who comes flying in with her umbrella to work for a rather unhappy family with the most naughty kids and shows them what life is all about. Mary Poppins and the Bands family face some challenges and amusing moments.

E. Mama Mia

Mamma Mia is about Sophie’s wedding. It is a great combination of life lessons and laughter. Throw yourself in an 80’s disco theme and Mamma Mia will leave you singing and dancing out of the theater.

F. Stomp (the name of a band)

Come and enjoy a high-energy percussive symphony, coupled with dance, and played entirely on unusual instruments, such as buckets, brooms and sticks. Music is made through the use of everyday objects in a non-traditional way.


小题1:Todd is a DJ in college. In everyone’s mind, he does it quite well. He can always find the proper music to satisfy students’ needs. But secretly Todd always wants to find a new and special way to create music. He hates all kinds of tradition.

小题2:Friday finally comes. After a whole week of work, Brian just wants to relax, and have some entertainment that can make him laugh. He likes the music in the 80’s and the story of love and marriage, from which he can learn lessons.

小题3:Ann is a quiet girl. Her most enjoyable moment is when her dad reads her fairy tales. Dad bought her a lot of books. But her favorite is Anderson’s. A lot of stories are sad, making her shed tears. But she loves them. They are so beautiful.

小题4:Dan is a big fan of animals. He always asks his mom to buy him all kinds of animal books, CDs and Discovery programs or other animal films. This time his mom wants to take him to the theater to see a play, from which Dan can learn to be strong.

小题5:Tim and Tom are twins. They are famous “bad” brothers in their class and a headache to their mom. Someone suggests that making peer(同龄人)examples for them may be helpful, like in the movies, dramas and so on.
