问题 写作题

校园安全(schoolyard safety)很重要。构建平安校园,保护学生安全越来越为社会所关注。请根据下面的提示,用英语写一段话,谈谈作为一名中学生,怎样才能保证自己在校期间的安全(80—100个单词)。

提示:1.按时上下课,不迟到早退(go to school on time)。

2.不在楼道里追逐打闹,不打架斗殴(chase each other in the hallway,fight)。

3.不喝酒,不吃腐烂变质的食物(don’t drink, food that goes bad)。


Now schoolyard safety is becoming more and more important. Being middle school students, what should we do to keep ourselves safe?

Firstly, I think we should go to school or go home on time. If we are late, we should tell our teachers or parents. Secondly, we should be friendly to each other. We can’t chase each other in the hallways or fight with each other. That’s dangerous. Maybe we can fall off or be hurt. Thirdly, we can’t drink wine or eat food that goes bad. They are bad for our health.


【亮点说明】这篇文章要点齐全,结构完整,表达准确流利。文中使用了Firstly首先, Secondly第二, Thirdly第三, 来增加文章的结构。文中使用了很多短语,例如on time 及时;be friendly to对……友好;fall off跌落;be bad for对……有害。
