问题 综合题


材料一 19世纪现实主义文学思潮是在特定的社会历史背景下产生的,它的形成是社会对文学的必然要求的结果。


材料二 下图为俄国一位批判现实主义作家的作品——《战争与和平》

材料三 作为创作方法,现实主义早在古希腊文学中就已经存在,即使是与现实主义相对立的浪漫主义文学,也为现实主义的繁荣作了准备,它是现实的创造,也是历史的继承。
















《 * * 党宣言》:“19世纪30、40年代是资本主义制度在西欧几个主要国家最后战胜封建主义的时期。资本主义制度的确立和巩固,使资本主义社会的阶级矛盾和各种社会弊病日益显露和激化,“使人和人之间除了赤裸裸的利害关系,除了冷酷无情的‘现金交易’,就再也没有任何别的联系了”。特点:关注社会问题,典型地再现社会风貌,深入剖析社会生活的本质,揭露和批判社会的罪恶。







WHEN there are some strangers in front of us, which of them will we trust?

According to a new study in the online PLOS One, people make their decisions to trust others largely based on their faces. Your appearance can do a lot for you, especially if you are in the financial industry. The more trustworthy you look, the more likely people will buy what you’re selling.

Researchers from Britain’s University of Warwick Business School, University College London, and Dartmouth College, US, did a number of experiments.

The research team used computer software to make 40 faces, from the least to the most trustworthy-looking.

The study said that the difference between a trustworthy face and one that isn’t as trustworthy comes from features that look slightly angry or slightly happy, even when the face is at rest. However, a slightly happy face is more likely to be trusted.

Researchers gave participants some money and asked them which face they trusted to invest the money for them. Then researchers gave some good and bad information about the people with these faces, and asked the participants again whom they trusted.

The results showed that even if they got different information, the participants didn’t change their choices. They were still more likely to invest their money with the more trustworthy-looking faces.

Chris Olivola, one of the study’s authors, said in the University of Warwick’s press release: “It seems we are still willing to go with our own instincts (本能) about whether we think someone looks like we can trust them. The temptation (诱惑) to judge strangers by their faces is hard to resist.”

小题1:Which of the following can be a proper title for this passage?

A.What kind of face do you trust?

B.Who did the experiments?

C.Why do you trust him or her?

D.Why did they do the experiments?小题2:According to the study, which of the following faces is most likely to be trusted?

A.A sad face.

B.A smiling face.

C.A crying face.

D.An angry face.小题3:Which of the following about the experiment is TRUE?

A.The trustworthy faces were given good information.

B.Researchers took photos of the 40 people’s faces in college.

C.Most participants gave their money to the trustworthy-looking faces.

D.Participants liked to choose the faces with good information.小题4:What did the researchers learn from their experiment?

A.People can’t refuse temptations.

B.People always do things with their instincts.

C.People often judge strangers by their faces.

D.People don’t trust strangers with sad faces.
