A.雄蕊 B.不带子房的管状花 C.带花的果穗D.已开放的花序 E.花蕾
1. Children can't compare with a______ in strenghth.
2. As you a______ the town, the first building you see is the church.
3. The shop-enter sells a ______ (各种各样) goods.
4. In October, the price of the ______ (门票) to Mount Tai has risen by 50 yuan.
5. Many stores have a delivery service for the ______ (便利) of customers.
6. Our class is d______ into two groups during the discussion.
7. The common interests u______ the two countries.
8. Carelessness c______ to his great failure in the last exam.
9. The class needs a s______ teacher.
10. Water ad salt are ______ (吸收) into our blood stream everyday.
1、中国近代史上侵占中国领土最多的是俄国,被迫赔款最多的不平等条约是《辛丑条约》。 ( )
2、五四运动是一次彻底地反对帝国主义和封建主义的爱国运动,最能体现这次运动性质的口号是“反对在对德和约上签字”。 ( )
3、1935年1月召开的遵义会议是党的历史上生死攸关的转折点。 ( )
4、1948年9月——1949年1月,人民解放军发动了辽沈、淮海、平津三大战役。 ( )
5、魏源是中国近代睁眼看世界的第一人。 ( )