问题 单项选择题

Almost all projects are planned and implemented in social, economic and environmental context, and have intended and unintended positive and/or negative impacts. In this context, the project team should do all the following EXCEPT: ().

A.Understand how the project affects people and people affect the project. This may require understanding aspects of economic, demographic and educational characteristics of people whom the project affects or who may have interest in the project.

B.Understand the political climate that could affect the project.

C.Always be aware of the physical geography and local ecology where the project is being executed.

D.If having an international team, international factors like time-zone differences, national and regional holidays etc. to be taken into consideration.




所有的项目都规划、实施在一个社会的、经济的和环境的框架之内, 会受到有意或无意的正面或负面的影响。在这种情况下, 项目团队必须做下列事情,


A) 理解项目与人之间的相互影响。这要求了解那些项目影响到的或对项目感兴趣的人的经济、人口统计和教育方面的特点。

B) 理解政治气候对项目的影响。

C) 在项目实施过程中, 始终注意当地的自然地理和生态环境。

D) 如果采用国际团队, 国际性的因素如时差、国家节日、地区节日等都需要被考虑。

只有项目会影响到自然环境时, 项目团队成员才必须了解当地的自然环境。
