You are managing the construction of luxury condominiums in one of the last available plots of city land. On this project, the owner is focused on timely performance and has provided contract incentives that will reward you and your company if the job is complete early. However, the International Brotherhood of Commode Installs is ready to strike for higher wages, and an environmental group is concerned about adverse impacts on the full-breasted warbler resulting from the placement of satellite dishes on the balconies. On this project, you need to ().
A.find appropriate resolutions to resolve differences between or among stakeholders
B.put the owner's requirements at the top of the list as you resolve stakeholder differences
C.carefully manage all communication and make status information available only on a need-to-know basis the condominiums according to the specifications and not worry about any other stakeholder
你正在管理在城市最后可建设的土地上实施的豪华住宅的施工。在这个项目中, 业主关注的是工期, 如果能提前完工, 你和你的小组将获得奖励。但是国际卫浴安装工同业会准备罢工, 他们要求提高工资待遇, 同时一个环保团体关注阳台上装设的卫星天线会影响到鸟类的生存。对于这个项目, 你需要 ______ 。
A) 找到合适的方法解决有关各方的不同意见
B) 在解决争议的时候, 业主的要求应首先考虑
C) 谨慎沟通, 只在必要的时候发布消息
D) 只按照施工要求建设住宅, 不理会其他的抱怨
项目干系人管理, 平衡各方不同意见。选项C、B、D不符合项目干系人管理原则, 不能体现PMI的思想。