An early version of one of W. Edward Deming's 14 points encouraged companies to “cease dependence on mass inspection by building quality into the product in the first place”. Deming stated that, typically, products are inspected as they come off the line or at major stages. Defective products are either thrown out or reworked. Both options are expensive. This approach, in effect, meant that companies would pay workers to make defects and then correct them. Denting later recognized the value of inspections and revised the point to say that people should “understand the purpose of inspection. ” He said, “Inspections must be carried out in a professional way, not by lick-spit methods. ” This supports the PMBOK, which indicates that inspections can be used to determine whether results conform to requirements. Inspections also may be called ().
A.control tests
C.statistical sampling
爱德华·戴明的14点理论的早期版本鼓励公司应该“在产品生产时就严把质量关, 减少大量的产品检验工作”。戴明说, 产品的质最检验一般是在其刚下生产 线或生产的主要阶段进行的。有缺陷的产品要么扔掉, 要么返工, 这两种选择的代价都是很昂贵的。这种方法好像是公司雇用了工人来生产有缺陷的产品, 然后再改正这些缺陷。戴明后来认识到了产品检验的重要性并修正了他的说法, “人们应该正确理解检验的目的, ”他说, “对产品的检验一定要以专业的方式进行, 而不能采用这种‘白食其果'的方法。”这一观点在PMBOK中也有反映, 即检验能用来判断结果是否与要求相一致。检验还可以被称为 ______ 。
A) 控制测试 B) 巡检 C) 统计抽样 D) 检验单