问题 单项选择题

代位求偿权:在财产保险中,由于第三者的过错致使保险标的发生保险责任范围内的损失的,保险人按照保险合同的约定给付了保险金后,得在其赔偿金额的限度内代位行使被保险人对第三者请示赔偿的权利,即代位求偿权。 下列哪一项不属于代位行使求偿权的必要条件( )







解析: 根据定义,A项在财产保险中构成了代位行使求偿权的必要条件;B项保险标的超过80万元并未在定义中有明确规定,不构成必要条件;C项中,正是因为被保险人对第三人有损失赔偿请求权,才会有保险人的代位行使求偿权的必要条件;D项也构成代位行使求偿权,构成必要条件。


There are a lot of differences in life in the US that you can only learn by living here. However, we will try to introduce you to some of the more important cultural differences.

Personal Space

When two people are talking to each other, they tend to stand a distance apart. Each person has an invisible boundary (界限) around their body into which other people may not come.

Interestingly,the average personal distance varies from culture to culture. Americans tend to require more personal space than in other cultures. So if you try to get too close to an American during your conversation, he or she will feel that you are “in their face” and will try to back away.

Try to avoid physical contact while you are speaking, since this may also lead to discomfort.


Restaurants do not include a service charge in the bill, so you should tip the waiter 15% of the total bill. If service is slow or particular bad, some Americans will tip only 10%. If service is particularly good, it is appropriate to tip 20%. If service is so bad that you will never eat in the restaurant again, leave two cents. It tells the waiter that you haven’t forgotten to leave a tip. Tipping is only appropriate in restaurants which offer table service. You do not tip the cashier in a fast food restaurant.


To wave goodbye or hello to someone, raise your hand and wave it from side to side, not front to back. Wave the whole hand, not just the fingers. Waving the hand front to back or the fingers up and down means “no”, “stop”, or “go away’. Holding your hand up with the palm facing forward but no movement means “stop”.

If you want to point at an object, extend the index finger and use it to point at the object. It is not polite to point at people.

Although showing your fist with the thumb up or your open hand with the tips of the thumb and index finger together forming an “O” means “OK”, these are stereotypes (老套). Americans understand these gestures, but they are mainly used by actors in movies, not in real life.

小题1: If an American to whom you are speaking backs away a little, you’d better __________.

A.not try to close the gap

B.stop talking with him or her

C.back away too

D.ask him or her what happened小题2:Which of the following statements is TRUE when you eat out in the US?

A.The tip always ranges from 10% to 20% of the total bill.

B.You needn’t leave a tip if you will never eat in the restaurant.

C.It’s unnecessary to tip the waiter in a restaurant.

D.Tipping is not necessary in fast food restaurants.小题3:Which of the following gestures is not used in Americans’ daily life?

A               B.             C.               D.


小题4:We can learn from the passage that in the US ___________________.

A.it’s natural to touch each other in a conversation.

B.it’s polite to leave a tip though the service is bad.

C.there is only one gesture meaning “stop”.

D.Americans use the same gesture to point at people and objects.