问题 单项选择题





解析: 保护胃黏膜药物(1)硫糖铝的抗溃疡机制主要与其粘附覆盖在溃疡而上阻止胃酸/胃蛋白酶侵蚀溃疡面、促进内源性前列腺素合成和刺激表皮生长因子分泌等有关。硫糖铝全身不良反应少,但便秘常见。(2)枸橼酸铋钾(胶体次枸橼酸铋)除具类似硫糖铝的作用机制外,并有较强抑制幽门螺杆菌作用。短期服用除舌苔发黑外很少有不良反应;长期服用可能发生铋在体内过量积蓄而引起神经毒性,故不宜长期服用。(3)米索前列醇具有抑制胃酸分泌、增加胃十二指肠黏膜的黏液和碳酸氢盐分泌和增加黏膜血流等作用;腹泻是常见不良反应,因会引起子宫收缩故孕妇忌服。

     I finished my last work of the week and could hardly wait to get home, take off my nursing shoes, and
     As I _1_ my car, I saw one of my _2_ standing by the bus stop. I thought it would only take a couple of extra minutes to give her a ride home, and _3_, it was too cold to be standing outside on the coldest _4_ in January. I didn't know where she lived, but I was _5_ I would be able to find my way back.
     We _6_ about our work as I drove and _7_ we knew it, we arrived at her house. I started driving back. _8_ looked familiar, but at first that didn't _9_ me. But soon I _10_ something wrong. I recognized nothing. But I told myself to stay _11_.
     I was _12_ neighborhoods, streets and even streetlights. I no longer knew where I was now. How could I be so stupid! I looked down at my _13_. It was now 2:30 a.m. My gas was slowly running out. I _14_ the car and turned off the engine. In total defeat, I put my head down on the wheel, _15_. Then I raised my
head and saw a(n) _16_ down the road in front of me. I turned my headlights on. A car! I drove a little
_17_, got out of my car and knocked on the window of that car. An elderly man _18_ rolled his window
     I said that I didn't know how to get back into town. In silence, he started driving. I ran back to my car
and drove behind him. Finally I _19_ a familiar street. As I turned to head home, the car disappeared. Then I _20_ my driveway (车道) when the warning light for my gas tank (汽油箱) turned on.
     Though so many years have passed, I still thank the old man from my deepest heart.
( )1. A. discovered  
( )2. A. patients   
( )3. A. yet        
( )4. A. night      
( )5. A. afraid      
( )6. A. worried    
( )7. A. before      
( )8. A. Everything  
( )9. A. attract    
( )10. A. escaped    
( )11. A. quiet      
( )12. A. across    
( )13. A. wheel      
( )14. A. drove      
( )15. A. helpless  
( )16. A. shadow    
( )17. A. faster    
( )18. A. unlikely  
( )19. A. came      
( )20. A. pulled into
B. approached
B. classmates
B. still    
B. morning  
B. happy    
B. cared    
B. if        
B. Nothing  
B. delight  
B. existed  
B. calm      
B. over      
B. engine    
B. deserted  
B. excited  
B. truck    
B. nervously
B. slowly    
B. mistook  
B. drove away
C. parked    
C. students  
C. but      
C. afternoon
C. confident
C. talked    
C. as        
C. Anything  
C. bother    
C. imagined  
C. silent    
C. within    
C. watch    
C. washed    
C. satisfied
C. lady      
C. closer    
C. carefully
C. recognized
C. ran across
D. searched  
D. workmates  
D. besides    
D. noon      
D. sorry      
D. explored  
D. though    
D. Something  
D. enjoy      
D. realized  
D. brave      
D. beyond    
D. seat      
D. stopped    
D. delighted  
D. animal    
D. back      
D. equally    
D. missed    
D. fount out  