问题 单项选择题

在社会主义初级阶段,非公有制经济是( )。




解析: 本题为建设中国特色社会主义经济的内容,考查对非公有制经济在社会主义市场经济中地位的认识。中共十五大报告指出:“非公有制经济是我国社会主义市场经济的重要组成部分”,改变了非公有制经济是“社会主义经济的有益补充”的认识。故选B。



     New York-Wednesday,October fifteenth,is the first Global Hand Washing Day.Activities are planned

in more than twenty countries to get millions of people in the developing world to wash their hands with


     Experts say people around the world wash their hands but very few use soap at socalled critical

moments.These include after using the toilet,after cleaning a baby and before touching food.

     Global Hand Washing Day is the idea of the PublicPrivate Partnership for Hand Washing with Soap.

The goal,they say,is to create a culture of hand washing with soap.The organizers say all soaps are equally effective at removing diseasecausing germs (病菌).They say the correct way to wash hands is to wet

your hands with a small amount of water and cover them with soap.Rub it into all areas,including under the fingernails.Then,rinse well under running water.Finally,dry your hands with a clean cloth.

     The Partnership says soap is important because it increases the time that people spend washing.Soap

also helps to break up the dirt that holds most of the germs.And it usually leaves a pleasant smell,which

increases the likelihood that people will wash again.

     It also says washing with soap before eating and after using the toilet could save more lives than any

medicine.It could help reduce cases of diarrhea (痢疾),which is the second leading cause of child deaths,

killing more than one and a half million children a year,by almost half.

1. The most suitable title for the text would be________.

A. Hand Washing Brings Good Health

B. Hand Washing Gets a Day of Its Own

C. It Is Soap That Matters

D. Partnership for Hand Washing Takes Action

2. The Partnership creates Global Hand Washing Day to ________.

A. call on people to wash hands

B. help the developing countries

C. promote the importance of soap in hand washing

D. make a culture of hand washing in the third world

3.The following facts can explain why soap is important EXCEPT that________.

A. soap gives people a longer hand washing time

B. soap helps to get rid of more germs off hands

C. soap attracts people to do more hand washing

D. soap gets people into the habit of washing hands

4. According to the last paragraph,diarrhea is a disease that________.

A. kills half of the kids in developing countries

B. causes the greatest number of child deaths

C. can be prevented by washing hands with soap

D. makes soap stand out in hand washing


王强(男)与刘芳(女)经人介绍相识,于1996年登记结婚,婚后双方感情尚好,生有一女取名王小娟,现年11周岁。2004年夏天,王强与单位女同事张英的婚外恋情被刘芳发现,后来刘芳屡次去王强单位找张英理论,王强因此受到单位领导的批评教育。2006年12月,王强向人民法院起诉,要求与刘芳离婚,刘芳虑及女儿年幼,且双方婚姻基础较好,希望丈夫能回心转意,坚决不同意离婚。据此,法院判决不准离婚。但此后双方关系并未改善,经常争吵不休。2008年7月起,王强住到其姐姐处,不再回家,每月工资也不再交给刘芳,刘芳母女勉强靠刘芳一人工资收入维持生活。 2009年5月,王强再次向法院起诉要求离婚。刘芳提出,夫妻关系恶化是第三者张英勾引所致,只要排除张英干扰,双方有和好可能,故不能同意离婚。经法院多次调解,双方仍各执己见。 法院在审理过程中查明,刘芳目前所住房屋系王强父母在婚前为其购买的商品房。王强提出:离婚后刘芳应搬出该房;女儿王小娟由他抚养。但刘芳不同意王强提出的两项主张,坚决要求与女儿共同生活。对上述问题,双方无法达成协议。 在夫妻分居期间,王强曾向他人借债5万元,资助他的胞弟王刚做生意;刘芳向其朋友借债2万元,用于女儿生病住院费用,以上经查证属实。 试就本案情节,依据有关法律和司法解释,回答下列问题:(16分)
