与足太阴经相表里的经脉是( )
解析:[知识点] 十二经脉的交接规律
1. Zhongguancun made possible for him to follow his dreams and help the country he loves. _________.
2. A number of overseas Chinese has grasped the opportunity to develop their ideas at home. _________.
3. He used for the latest ideas and technical inventions of his day in his books. _________.
4. Walk along its shores they go through forests of mushrooms and plants that lived on the earth long ago.
5. It was on a night in November when I looked at the result of my work. __________
6. The water in the ocean also keeps the temperature of the earth steadily by absorbing and releasing heat.
7. Heat capacity is the amount of energy that takes to raise the temperature of a substance one degree
centigrade. __________
8. At that time black people had no rights to voting in the southern states of America. _________
9. Housing condition for blacks were bad and there were little jobs to employ blacks. _________
10. There were already people wondering whether to fight for the rights of robots and machines. _________
对厂房一般照明的光窗设置要求中,车间通道照明灯应覆盖所有通道,覆盖长度应大于( )的车间安全通道长度。