Which of the following statements most accurately describes the best execution when a portfolio manager services his or her clients()
A. The portfolio manager chooses the broker providing the lowest commission in order to obtain a higher net return.
B. The portfolio manager maximizes the value of the client's portfolio within its investment policy statement.
C. The portfolio manager obtains the best investment research through soft dollar arrangement.
最佳的交易执行(best execution)并不是投资组合经理寻求最低的佣金来保证最高的净收益,也不是通过软美元即证券交易的佣金来获得最佳的投资研究成果。作为投资组合经理,既要考虑所选择券商所能提供的研究成果和服务的质量,同时也要考虑券商提供交易的交易费率及响应速度,所以投资组合经理应该为客户寻找性价比最高的券商,故选项A和C都不正确。投资组合经理根据客户的投资目标和财务限制,最大化客户投资组合的价值是符合最佳的交易执行的定义的,所以选项B最准确。