问题 单项选择题

DBMS will "manage "the stored data items and assemble the needed items from the (74) database in response to the queries of those who aren't programmers.


B.the same







     Winter depression ( or winter blues ) is a common affliction (折磨) for those who live in our northern

climate.Its clinical name is seasonal affective disorder(or SAD)and up to 5% of the population (especially

in northern states)may suffer from it.Seasonal affective disorder is characterized by feelings of sadness and depression that occur in the winter months when the temperatures drop and the days grow short.The

depression is often associated with excessive eating or sleeping and weight gain.Women are twice to three times more likely to suffer from the winter blues than men.

     There are many effective treatments for winter depression, some of which you can do to help yourself.Increasing your daily exposure to as much natural light as possible can be helpful to many.Any time when

you have the opportunity to gain access to more sunlight in the winter months, you should try to do so.

Taking walks throughout the day( even if you don't normally do so) , sitting next to a southfacing window

at your office, in a classroom, or at home will increase your sunlight exposure.Exercising next to a window or outdoors (when possible) is another activity that can help.

     Although it may be difficult to do, maintaining your schedule and lifestyle will help to keep_the_

depression_at_bay.A regular pattern of sleep is the most important thing to maintain.It may be helpful, for

instance, to have your bedroom lights on a timer to turn on a halfhour before you wake.This may help in

waking at a regular time every morning,when it is still dark outside in the winter months.

     Light therapy has shown to be an effective treatment for seasonal affective disorder.While you can

purchase expensive, specialized light therapy lighting fixtures for your home or office, some inexpensive

alternatives are also available.Another lighting technique to try is to replace commonly used light bulbs in

your home with brighter full spectrum( also known as broad spectrum)light bulbs.While more expensive

than regular light bulbs, these bulbs provide light that is similar to natural sunlight.

     If none of these techniques seem to help your depressive symptoms, you should consider consulting

your family physician or a mental health professional.The winter blues are a form of depression and can be

readily treated with medications or psychotherapy when other selfhelp methods aren't effective.Don't be

afraid to talk about this condition with a professional;it's nothing to be ashamed or afraid of.With a little

effort, the winter blues can be beaten.

1. What do we know about winter depression?                                              

A. It is very common where the weather is cold.                                          

B. It may lead to weight gain.                                                          

C. It occurs when the temperatures drop.                                                

D. It seldom affects men.                                                                

2. What is the most important factor in the therapy introduced in the second paragraph?  

A. Exposure to natural light.                                                            

B. Sports in winter months.                                                              

C. Outdoor activities.                                                                  

D. Sunlight through the window.                                                          

3. What does" to keep the depression at bay" mean in the third paragraph?              

A. To shorten the duration of the depression.                                            

B. To use light to resist the depression.                                                

C. To keep the depression manageable and minimal.                                        

D. To delay the occurrence of the depression.                                            

4. For winter depression,light therapy________.                                        

A. is much more effective than other kinds of therapy                                    

B. is so expensive that some may not be able to afford it                                

C. encourages people to do outdoor exercises                                            

D. needs specialized bulbs to replace ordinary ones                                      

单项选择题 A1/A2型题