问题 单项选择题

下列犯罪行为中,不属于不作为犯的是 ( )。







解析:[评析] 有赡养能力的子女有义务赡养父母而不赡养,属于不作为犯;警察在值勤时有义务有能力制止他人行凶杀人,却不制止,属不作为犯;成年人原本对邻家小孩没有照看义务,但由于他带小孩去游泳,他的这种先行行为导致他有负责小孩安全的义务,当小孩溺水时,他有义务有能力去抢救而不抢救,也属不作为犯;过路人对倒在血泊中的交通事故的被害人则无法律、职业或其他方面的义务,他的不救助行为只能引起道德谴责,不属于不作为犯罪。故正确答案为D。


Throughout the 19th century and into the 20th, citizens of the United States maintained a bias against big cities. Most lived on farms and in small towns and believed cities to be centres of (1) , crime, poverty and moral (2) Their distrust was caused, (3) , by a national ideology that (4) farming the greatest occupation and rural living (5) to urban living. This attitude (6) even as the number of urban dwellers increased and cities became an essential (7) of the national landscape. Gradually, economic reality overcame ideology. Thousands (8) the precarious (不稳定的) life on the farm for more secure and better paying jobs in the city. But when these people (9) from the countryside, they carried their fears and suspicions with them. These new urbanities, already convinced that cities were (10) with great problems, eagerly (11) the progressive reforms that promised to bring order out of the (12) of the city.

One of many reforms came (13) the area of public utilities. Water and sewerage systems were usually operated by (14) governments, but the gas and electric networks were privately owned. Reformers feared that the privately owned utility companies would (15) exorbitant (过渡的) rates for these essential services and (16) them only to people who could afford them. Some city and state governments responded by (17) the utility companies, but a number of cities began to supply these services themselves. (18) of these reforms argued that public ownership and regulation would (19) widespread access to these utilities and guarantee a (20) price.




