问题 单项选择题

合伙企业合伙人共同约定:“合伙执行人签订50万元以上的合同须经全体合伙人一致同意。”合伙执行人甲未经全体合伙人一致同意与不知道该约定的乙签订标的额为80万元的买卖合同,该合同( )。







解析:[命题提示] 本题主要考查考生对合伙企业与第三人的关系的了解 [解题要点] 把握合伙企业内部的约定不得对抗善意第三人 [答案与解析] 根据《合伙企业法》的规定,合伙企业对合伙人执行合伙事务以及对外代表合伙企业权利的限制,不得对抗善意第三人。本题中,由于乙不知甲与其他合伙人的约定,则该约定不得对抗乙,甲与乙签订的买卖合同有效。故选B。



Some spiders hunt on the ground, others build webs to trap their food, but the grass water spider catches its prey by running along the surface of the water.

This special water spider lives on the grassy banks of streams where mosquitoes, damsel flies and other insects come to feed and breed.

Although it is one of the largest spiders in New Zealand, it has an unusual ability. It doesn’t disturb the water as it waits for its meal, and there~ is barely a ripple when it skims across the surface at lightning speed to catch its prey.

Grass water spiders deal swiftly with larger insects like damsel flies by pulling their heads under the water and holding them there until they drown.

After a meal, the grass water spider spends up to half an hour grooming itself. It wipes its eight eyes, brushes its antennae, and takes special care to clean the hairs on its body.

It is the hairs that trap tiny bubbles of air so that the spider can run down a blade of grass and stay underwater for up to an hour when it is frightened. The hairs also keep the spider dry, even underwater.

It is only when the female spider is caring for the young that she does not hunt on the water. After mating, she produces a large egg sac, which she carries around for five weeks. Once the eggs start to hatch, she attaches the sac to some blades of grass or a thistle. She then tears the sac open and releases the tiny spiders into the nursery web.

The passage tells us that the spider ().

A.feeds grass and thistles to its young

B.lives on blades of grass under the water

C.lives in the grass on the banks of streams

D.eats a meal once every five weeks