问题 单项选择题

随着科技的发展,人们已经可以利用基因技术通过生物工程创造出新的物种。以下选项中对这种现象的理解正确的是( )。







解析: 本题可以用排除法。关于A项,唯物主义认为物质决定意识,物质的存在并不依赖于意识,所以新物种的产生也不会依赖于人的意识。关于B项,人们不可以创造物质也不能消灭物质。关于D项,唯物辩证法认为,物质是第一性的,意识是第二性的,物质决定意识。所以综上所述,A、B、D三项均错误。故选C。

     Teens-want to gain valuable work experience? Do you enjoy working with kids? Need to finish
community service requirement for school?
     Volunteer for the alameda recreation and park department!
     Volunteers are needed to help Recreation Leaders with youth programs and special events at our
local park. During the summer, volunteers are also needed to help with our Aquatics Program at the
swim center as well. This is a perfect opportunity to gain valuable work experience for future
employment opportunities.
Don't delay (延迟)! Spaces Are Extremely Limited! Sign up early!
     ●You may register in person or mail the completed form and payment to: Alameda Recreation and Park
Department, 2226 Santa Clara Avenue, Alameda, 94501.
     ●Faxed registrations accepted with MasterCard/ VISA,(510)747-7566.
     Once your application has been reviewed (审查), you will be contacted by the Teen
     Coordination to plan an oral interview. If you are accepted into the program, you must attend a volunteer
     All applications are to arrive no later than two weeks before the training date (listed below) and are limited
to space availability. Not all applications will be surely given an interview. Late Applications will not be
dealt with.
Volunteer training information
Training Date: Thursday, May28,2009
Time: 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Location: Veteran's Memorial Building (2203 Central Avenue, Room 120, Alameda)
Cost: $45 per person-includes training, uniform and materials.
1. We can know from the passage that the program can _____.
[ ]
A. teach kids to swim at the swim center
B. train teens to be prepared for job interviews
C. offer people who are out of work some jobs
D. provide a chance for volunteers to get work experience
2. Once you are allowed to join in the program, you _____.
[ ]
A. will be trained for volunteering
B. will have a face to face interview
C. must contact the Teen Coordinator
D. will pay $45 for the materials
3. To join the program, you should register _____.
[ ]
A. on Thursday, May28, 2009
B. before Thursday, May 14, 2009
C. after Thursday, May 28, 2009
D. before Thursday, June 11, 2009
4. What information can we get from the passage?
[ ]
A. You will be interviewed once you apply.
B. You can register by sending an email.
C. There is a limit to the number of volunteers.
D. The training will last about two weeks.