问题 单项选择题

对于保守型的投资者,可选择的基金产品或组合是( )。




解析: 保守型的投资者,以稳健、安全、保值为目的,风险承受能力较低,可为这类客户选择低风险的基金产品或组合,例如货币市场基金和保本型基金;稳健型的投资者在考虑投资回报率的同时坚持稳健的原则,风险承受能力中等,可为其选择中风险等级的基金产品或组合,例如混合型基金和债券型基金;积极型的投资者追求投资高收益,同时能承担较大的风险,可为其选择高风险等级的基金产品或组合,例如股票型基金。

     I live in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I used to give a lot of money to the homeless,feeling   1   for them.
But as time passed, I became a mom with no home, a huge    2  , and hardly any income. As a result, I  3   
giving money to the people on the side of the road and became very  4   .
     Things started to change for me   5  . I had a home, a backyard for my daughter,and plenty of food, and
I started to   6   myself out of debt. One day we saw a homeless person with the   7 , "Will work for food." I 
  8  . My daughter commented. "Mommy, you used to always give money to those people in   9  ." I replied,
"Honey, they just use that money for  10 , or other bad things." She didn't respond.  11  when I said that, I
didn't feel right.
     Three days later, I was driving to   12   my daughter from school. A man was standing on the corner, and
something deep   13   me said,"Just help the guy." So I  14  down my window, and he ran over excitedly. He
said,"God bless you, I only need 77 cents." I  15   into my ashtray (烟灰缸) and strangely enough, there  16  
three quarters and two pennies.
     I picked them up and gave them to him. He  17  with joy and tears in his eyes."Wow, you just made it  18 
 for me to see my mom for Christmas! Thank you so much; the  19   that had this great sale is leaving in 20
minutes!" It was a moment I'll  20  forever. I think that man won't forget it either, but I was the one who got
the best gift in life-GIVING.
( )1. A. angry     
( )2. A. debt     
( )3. A. continued
( )4. A. rich     
( )5. A. slowly   
( )6. A. save     
( )7. A. determined
( )8. A. ran away  
( )9. A. danger   
( )10. A. life     
( )11. A. And     
( )12. A. bring up  
( )13. A. on       
( )14. A. rolled   
( )15. A. reached  
( )16. A. hid     
( )17. A. stood up  
( )18. A. possible  
( )19. A. plane   
( )20. A. thank   
B. sorry     
B. burden     
B. appreciated 
B. pleased   
B. immediately 
B. pull       
B. sign       
B. turned back 
B. love       
B. book       
B. carry out 
B. inside     
B. pushed     
B. went       
B. stood     
B. turned up 
B. meaningful 
B. bus       
B. respect    
C. grateful  
C. disease 
C. hated    
C. relaxed 
C. quickly  
C. run      
C. child  
C. passed by 
C. need    
C. food      
C. But      
C. pick up   
C. behind    
C. blew    
C. knocked  
C. slept    
C. set out   
C. wonderful 
C. woman     
C. remember
 D. strange          
D. problem          
D. stopped          
D. bitter           
D. greatly          
D. feed             
D. advertisement     
D. sped up          
D. sadness          
D. smoking          
D. Even             
D. take out         
D. over             
D. took             
D. shouted          
D. sat              
D. burst out        
D. interesting      
D. man              
D. hold