下列项目中,不属于民事责任承担方式的是( )。
解析: 本题考查法律责任的种类。罚款属于行政处罚的范围。
1. _____ (显然), Miss Wang was satisfied with what her students had done.
2. More _____ (努力) should be made to strengthen unity.
3. The _____ ( 哨兵) doesn't let anyone through the gate without a pass.
4. Teenagers are easily ______ (上瘾) to computer games.
5. His ______ (态度) to his teacher, I think, is rude.
6. Just be _____(耐心) a while, dear. These things take time.
7. That man is _____ (实验) with dyes to get the color he wants.
8. The pen ______ (属于) to you is on your desk.
9. The couple bought some ______ (家具) for the new flat.
10. He lives three ______ (街区) away from here.
属于软膏剂油脂性基质的是( )