问题 选择题

能正确表示下列化学反应的离子方程式的是 (    )

A.实验室用大理石和稀盐酸制取CO2:2H++CO32- = CO2↑+H2O

B.硫酸铜与氢氧化钡溶液反应:Ba2++SO42-= BaSO4

C.Fe(OH)3与盐酸反应:H++ OH- = H2O

D.Fe2O3溶于稀硫酸: 6H++ Fe2O3 =" 2" Fe 3++3H2O







    I had a wish to go abroad for a very long time. Finally a good chance came. Now I'm studying in the USA.

My wish comes true but I am not happy here. I want to go back to China because I hate the food in the USA.

People in the USA eat a lot of bread. They also like fast food and fried chicken very much. But I don't like such

food. I like Chinese food. There are many different kinds of food in China. They are all very delicious. So, I

often go to the Chinese restaurants in America. The food there is nice but it is very expensive. The American

people also like Chinese food very much.

1. Is the writer studying in the USA?


2. How does the writer feel in the USA?


3. Why does the writer want to go back to China? 


4. Do Americans like American food or Chinese food?


5. There are many different kinds of food in China, aren't there?