问题 单项选择题

张老师的班里有60个学生,男女生各占一半。有40个学生喜欢数学,50个学生喜欢语文。 这表明可能会有( )。







解析:[解题思路] A选项是错的,因为已有50个学生喜欢语文了,只有10个学生不喜欢语文而非20个,所有A应排除;C选项也属此类,因为只能有20个学生不喜欢数学而非30个,所以C选项也应排除;D选项30个喜欢数学的男生,只有10个喜欢语文也是错误的,这样至少有20个学生不喜欢语文了,与陈述亦有矛盾,故C也应排除;只有B选项是对的,20个喜欢语文的学生不喜欢数学,因为数学可以有20人不喜欢的。故本题的正确答案为B。



     Mayor Boris Johnson Monday outlined plans to make London "the cleanest, greenest

city on Earth" by the 2012 Olympics and called for commitments from other world cities

at a climate change conference. Leaders of the world's 40 largest cities are meeting in

Seoul this week for a summit on combating global warming -- the third to be held since


     "What we should do in Seoul is agree that we will stop the endless addiction of

mankind to the internal combustion engine (内燃机)," said Johnson. He said at a press

conference the world's cities consume 75 percent of the world's energy and produce

80 percent of the emissions which cause climate change. "The problem of our planet is

an urban problem," Johnson said.

     He said the British capital wants to use the Olympics "to drive the greening and the

improvement of our city" and noted that London is committed to reduce carbon dioxide

emissions by 60 percent by 2025.

     Johnson said the key measure was being taken to solve problems relating to housing

and commercial buildings, which accounted for 70 percent of carbon dioxide emissions

in London. This involved retrofitting (翻新) -- installing lagging -- in large numbers

of public buildings.

     Johnson proclaimed himself a "passionate cyclist" and said he would push ahead

with cycle superhighways around London.

     London's air quality problem, he said, was caused by vehicle emissions from 8,300

worn and used diesel (柴油) buses, which could be replaced by low-carbon vehicles.

In addition, there were also 32,000 taxis running on diesel fuel, which could be replaced

by electric vehicles.

     Johnson said there would be a few programs in the next few years to produce a

"cleaner, greener" bus for the city. "The age of the diesel bus has got to be over in


1. Which would be the best title for the passage?______

A. The third summit on global warming

B. London plans to make the cleanest and greenest city on Earth by 2012

C. Some measures to deal with pollution

D. The problem of our planet appeared

2. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to this passage.'?______

A. London's air quality will be improved in the near future.

B. The used buses running on diesel will be replaced by electric vehicles.

C. London promises to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 60 percent by 2025.

D. Something has been done to solve the problem of carbon dioxide emissions.

3. What does the underlined word mean in the first paragraph?______

A. Resisting.

B. Objecting.

C. Agreeing

D. Solving

4. The topic of the meeting in Seoul might be______

A. climate change

B. global warming

C. London Olympics in 2012

D. green environment

5. If the passage was continually written, the following might be _____.

A. measures to end the age of the diesel bus

B. measures to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in London

C. measures to solve housing and commercial items

D. measures to replace the old and used vehicles