问题 单项选择题

依次填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。

A.沉重 明亮

B.阴森 耀眼

C.黑色 最亮

D.慌乱 绚丽



解析: “阴森”指阴沉,可怕,常用来形容地方、气氛、脸色等,灾难的背景不能用“阴森”,故排除B项。“慌乱”指慌张忙乱,通常只能用来形容人,与“背景”不能搭配,故D项也排除。由“那束光”中的“那”可知“他的青春”是很多束光中特别的一束,故这里用“最亮”更能显出这种特别,而A项的“明亮”则显示不出这种强烈的语气。“黑色的背景下最亮的那束光”,这样的表述形象生动,震撼人心,与句子的背景——“感动中国”年度人物贴合。故选C。






M:It’s hard to believe it’s become so (76) c___________ and expensive to buy a pair of glasses.

W:I know. Not that long ago, buying eyeglasses was about as simple as buying a pair of socks. Do you really need new (75) g___________?

M:Yes. I’ve noticed that things are soft of unclear sometimes, but I haven’t seen an eye doctor yet.

W:Oh, so you’re looking for a place to go. Have you checked around?

M:Yes. I’ve just found out that designer eyeglasses can (78) c___________$200 or more just for the frame.

W:And a pair of lenses could add well over $100 (79) t___________ that.

M:Yes, (80) d___________ on the material and special lens coatings.

W:So, (81) i___________ the cost of an eye exam, a pair of spectacles can cost as (82) m___________ as a color TV set.

M:It’s incredible. It’s a good thing that I don’t need to buy anything fancy. But it sounds like you have a lot of (83) i___________ about glasses. Did you just buy some?

W:I did. A few months ago. You might check the optometrist in the new mall. Maybe they’re still having a sale.

M:I did. They’re having a promotion now. They’ll include a protective lens coating with new lenses, if you have your (84) e___________ exam there.

W:Great. I hope you’ll find a (85) p___________ of good glasses that you really like.
