住房公积金利率政策中,遇法定利率调整,贷款期限在1年以内的,实行( )利率,不分段计息。
A.固定 B.合同C.档次 D.浮动
There was a big sea bird that was very beautiful. One day, the sea bird (1) to a country and stayed outside of a palace. The Emperor asked his men to bring it to the palace. Then he said," As a (2) for the sea bird, we’ll set up the band and get the best food and wine ready for it. "(3) they played the best music for the sea bird, but it looked (4) . The Emperor introduced the most delicious food and best wine and asked the bird to have them. But the sea bird (5) After three days without eating or drinking, the sea bird (6) .The Emperor said (7) , "Why didn’t you eat I gave you all of the (8) !"The story tells us that what some people believe to be the best music and the best food aren’t so for (9) . Feed a bird according to a bird’s wants, not a person’s. The (10) "Do to others as you would have others do to you. " is never really suitable or right.
A.慢性肾小球肾炎 B.慢性肾盂肾炎 C.慢性间质性肾炎 D.糖尿病肾病 E.高血压肾病