问题 单项选择题

猕猴桃原产中国,其遗传资源流失到新西兰后,经过他们的选育,培养出了果大味美的新品种。今天新西兰的猕猴桃不仅畅销全世界,而且还以比中国猕猴桃高数倍 的价格进入中国市场。另一典型的例子就是美国的转基因大豆,他们正以每年1500万吨的数量销往中国,这相当于中国大豆的年产量。实际上,世界上90%的 野生大豆资源分布在中国,但是早在1898年美国农业部就派人到中国调查、采集野生大豆品种资源。上面一段文字的主要观点是()。



C. 前景诱人的基因产品,有着无限商机




解析:文段通过猕猴桃和大豆两个例子说明了一种现象:来源于我国的生物遗传资源在被别的国家开发利用后,其产品返销我国,使我国的经济利益间接受到损失。显然作 者对这种现象是持不乐观的态度的,其意图通过这两个例子警醒人们要加强对生物遗传资源的保护。A项只是一种现象;B项不是作者的真正意图;C项与文段主旨 不符。故本题正确答案为D。


Marks & Spencer has a very good reputation for job security and looking after its staff, with things like good perks, (1) , that sort of thing. Do those things actually (2)
I think it is, it is very important. When people have been working (3) , and they may have been in from seven or eight o’clock in the morning, they can come off the sales floor and can go to (4) and obviously they can have tea, coffee, or (5) , and can then buy at very reduced rates (6) , if they want one, or a roll and cheese, in a pleasant environment, (7) , food of the highest quality, there’re areas where they can (8) , or play pool or something, yeah, that is very important because they need (9) . At busy times, they need to get away from it, they need to be able to relax. In terms of all the (10) we’ve got, that is very important, when people know that they will be having medicals, and (11) is another thing, obviously there’s (12) that they will buy which they will be able to buy (13) . For Christmas bonus, we give all our general staff (14) which is guaranteed, and the (15) of that, actually, at the busiest time of the year when they’re (16) and working hard, is fantastic and to see their faces as you (17) with 10% of their salary in it. I believe the environment that you work in, (18) that you work with, the way you are treated, (19) , and the fact that your views are listened to, and you feel you are consulted, that makes people (20) and makes them get up and come to work in the morning.
