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                                                         Deserts and Good Land

        Scientists are trying to turn deserts into good land again. They want to bring water to the deserts, so

people can live and grow food there. However, more and more land is becoming desert. Why? Scientists think

that people are doing bad things to turn good land into desert.

       ①地球上的一些地方雨量不足, but they still do not become deserts. This is because green plants are

growing there. Small green plants and grass are very important to dry places. Plants do not let the hot sun

make the earth even drier.②Plants do not let the wind blow the soil away. When rain falls, plants hold the

water.③Without plants, land can become desert much more easily.







4、What should we do in order to protect good land?



1、Some places on the earth do not get much rain. / It rains a little in some places on the earth. / There isn't

     plenty of rain in some places on the earth.



4、We should plant green plants and grass to protect good land. 


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