Why is reading so important? Joseph Addison once said, “Reading is to the mind what exercise is 小题1: the body.” I am sure you 小题2: have heard this quote. Reading is a great hobby, 小题3: makes you discover yourself. Reading good stories can help you solve some problems in your own life. Besides, reading 小题4: sets a good example to younger generations.
Sadly, people nowadays seem to have totally lost interest in this activity. Children are busy with computer games, 小题5: adults use their cell phones or computers to search for information. 小题6: seems that people have forgotten 小题7: importance of reading. Anybody can use the Internet to look for information, but the sources are 小题8: as reliable as a book.
To open a book is always beneficial! Don’t spend all your spare time on the computer screen or cell phones.
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