问题 多项选择题








参考答案:A, B, E



     It's only $79.99! How many times have you heard those words on TV or read them in a newspaper

ad? The word "'only" is supposed to make you think that this is a great price for the product.

     But think about this. How long does it take you to earn $79.99? What do you have to do to get that

money? The little thing that's only $79.99 is worth (价值) almost 12 hours of your work! And if you are

making less than this, how long will it take to earn that much money?

     So as you stand in a store, telling yourself that you have to buy something, think about how long you

must work to earn the money to pay for it. Is that $85 T-shirt really worth the time to earn $85? You

could probably find a similar shirt at another store for under $35, right?

     Even if your parents are still buying your clothes, someone has to work for the money. If you spend

money on one thing, you don't have money to spend on anything else.So if you spend $85 on those jeans, you cannot put it in the bank, and you cannot go snowboarding(单板滑雪)or to the movies with friends

because you don't have the money to go.

1. Saying that it's "only $ 79.99" may make you think that it ____

A. is expensive    

B. is important      

C. is cheap       

 D. cannot be accepted

2. If you earn $10 an hour, how long must you work to buy an $85 T-shirt?

A. More than 8 hours.                

B. More than 12 hours.

C. Less than 8 hours.                  

D. Less than 7 hours.

3. Which is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. The newspaper ad may use some words to promote sales. (促销)

B. The $ 79.99 T-shirt doesn't have good quality.

C. The T-shirt may make you spend the money you planned to use for some other things

D. You can find a similar T-shirt at another store for a lower price.

4. From the passage we know that ______.

A. the T-shirt isn't worth buying

B. the T-shirt is too expensive

C. we shouldn't believe the newspaper ad

D. before we buy something, we should think about what it is really worth

5. We can probably find the passage in a (n) ______.

A. advertisement  

B. Youth Newspaper

C. Year-book      

D. story-book


××省政府办公厅重申严禁党政机关 为经济活动提供担保(一九××年三月十五日) 各单位: 近年来,企事业单位借贷活动日益增多的同时,一些单位要求党政机关对这类经济活动提供担保,并承担相应的经济责任。虽然国务院以及本省有关部门曾多次发出通知,要求各级党政机关不得为企事业单位的经济活动提供担保,但这种情况在我省仍时有发生。为切实纠正这一问题,经省政府批准,现再重申如下要求: 一、要充分认识党政机关为经济活动提供担保的危害性。党政机关不具备代偿债务的能力,如承担连带责任,只能扣划机关的工资和业务经费,否则便会引起大量的经济纠纷,甚至形成呆账、死账,影响正常的经济活动和经济秩序,不利于社会主义市场经济体制的建立。 二、今后各级行政机关一律不得为国内企事业单位间的经济活动提供担保,已经提供担保的,要立即采取有效措施加以纠正。 三、对本通知生效之日后违反规定继续为企事业单位间经济活动提供担保的机关,要追究批准人的责任。对因提供担保而引起合同纠纷,造成经济损失的,要对提供担保的机关领导人和直接责任人员给予处罚,情节严重的,行政机关务必从重追究其刑事责任。 特此公告周知办公厅19××年3月15日 需修正的主要错漏: 61.标题的语法结构不正确 62.标题不完整缺作者 63.标题不完整缺文种 64.标题题注多余 65.主送机关笼统 66.内容违背党政分开原则 67.“行政机关务必从重追究其刑事责任”的提法不正确 68.文中的关键语句存在歧义 69.文中存在搭配不当的语法错误 70.“这种情况在我省仍时有发生”应为“这种情况在该省仍时有发生” 71.“呆账、死账”的提法存在.语义重复问题 72.“一律不得”的提法是形而上学 73.“对提供担保的机关领导人和直接责任人员给予处罚”的提法违法 74.省政府办公厅不能对外正式制发公文 75.一文两事 76.作者没有用规范的称谓 77.落款中没有标注签发人 78.结尾不能用“特此公告周知” 79.结尾缺少“此致敬礼” 80.成文日期没有用汉字表示