Hippies were members of a youth movement of the 1960’s and 1970’s that started in the United States and spread to Canada, Great Britain, and many other countries. The hippies rejected the customs, traditions, and life styles of society and tried to develop those of their own. Most hippies came from white middle-class families and ranged in age from 15 to 25 years old. They thought too many adults cared about making money and little else. The term hippie may come from the word hip, which means "turned-in" or aware.
Hippies wanted a world based on love of humanity and peace. Many believed that wonderful, magical changes were about to take place. They thought these changes would happen as soon as people learned to express their feelings honestly and to behave naturally at all times. Hippies ply opposed U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War.
Many hippies lived together in small groups, working with one another and sharing possessions. Others refused to be tied down to a fixed job or home. They wandered from place to place seeking part-time work and temporary shelter. Some begged for spare change and lived in the streets or camped in parks or other public lands.
Hippies were sometimes called "flower children" because they gave people flowers to communicate gentleness and love. They let their hair grow long and walked barefoot or in sandals. Hippies attracted public attention by wearing clothing that featured unusual combinations of colors and textures. A large number of hippies used marijuana, LSD, and other drugs. Drug experiences shaped many of their symbols and ideas.
The Beatles, a popular English rock group, helped spread the hippie movement with their song. Hippie favorites included such other rock groups as the Grateful Dead and the Jefferson Airplane, singers Joan Baez and Bob Dylan, poet Allen Ginsberg, and novelist Ken Kesey. Many hippies admired Timothy Leary, a psychologist who preached salvation through the use of drugs.
In time, most hippies realized it was not easy to reform society by "dropping’out" of it. Some joined more organized political movements to work for specific social causes. Others turned to spirituality or religion. The majority simply left the hippie stage of their lives behind while trying to hold on to at least a few of the ideals that once inspired them.
From the last paragraph, we know that the hippie movement finally declined because()
A. most of the hippies turned to more active ways to reform the society
B. most of the hippies deemed the social problems of their time incorrigible
C. most of the hippies simply dropped out of it as they grew older
D. most of the hippies gave up some of their original ideas
[考点] 事实细节
[干扰项分析] 从最后一段“Some joined more organized political movements to work for specific social causes”可以看出“一些人”的确采取了更主动的方式来改革社会,但不能说“很多嬉皮士都……”。它只是一些嬉皮士的做法,不能作为嬉皮士运动没落的主要原因。因此A选项错误。最后一段只是说嬉皮士意识到改革并非易事,但不能由此推出社会问题无法解决,故B选项也错误。最后一句说大多数人则把他们生命中的嬉皮士阶段抛在身后,这与退出不是一个概念,也不是随着年龄的增长发生的,故排除C选项。