As we all know. soccer is one of the most popular sports in the wor1d. The biggest international soccer小题1:_____ is the World Cup. Every four years, almost小题2: _____ of the population in the world watch the World Cup.
Uruguay won the first World Cup in l930. Brazil is the小题3:______ nation to play in every World Cup final stage. It has 小题4:______ won the World Cup five times. The Brazilian style of soccer is beautiful to watch-- 小题5:________ of tricks and skills.
The 2010 FIFA World Cup 小题6: _______place in South Africa. It was the first cup hosted in Africa. The 20l4 FIFA World Cup began 小题7:_______ June l2 in Brazil, and it lasts about one month. The national 小题8:_______ of 32 countries are competing in 64 matches. New technology is used in the Brazil World Cup. For example, it uses electronic sensors (电子感应器) to check 小题9: _________the ball has crossed the goal line or not.
Although the Chinese national team didn't make it to the World Cup, it doesn't 小题10:__________ Chinese soccer fans watching the matches in the early morning. (Brazil is 10 hours behind China. )